Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Rank last 30 days
1Hours last 30 days
114Time last 30 days
1129Hours per User
41:51 hoursTotal Owners
1.62%Total Time
Genres: RPG
Played between 2024-05-20 and 2025-01-04
Played between 2024-05-20 and 2025-01-04
Platform | Hours Played | Players | Sessions | Avg Session | |
PS-Timetracker only | all | 3576 | 86 | 1839 | 1:57 |
PS5 | 3008 | 78 | 1577 | 1:55 | |
PS4 | 568 | 8 | 262 | 2:11 | |
Historic PSN Statistic | all | 11003 | 263 | 7832 | 1:25 |