Guilty Gear -Strive-
Rank last 30 days
1Hours last 30 days
289Time last 30 days
178Hours per User
269:54 hoursTotal Owners
12.08%Total Time
Genres: Fighting
Played between 2020-04-15 and 2025-02-03
Played between 2020-04-15 and 2025-02-03
Platform | Hours Played | Players | Sessions | Avg Session | |
PS-Timetracker only | all | 29299 | 1280 | 23914 | 1:14 |
PS4 | 18346 | 690 | 12917 | 1:26 | |
PS5 | 10954 | 590 | 10997 | 1:00 | |
Historic PSN Statistic | all | 550037 | 2038 | 90924 | 6:03 |