Path of Exile
Rank last 30 days
1Hours last 30 days
499Time last 30 days
284Hours per User
27:24 hoursTotal Owners
50.4%Total Time
Genres: RPG, Action
Played between 2019-03-25 and 2025-03-09
Played between 2019-03-25 and 2025-03-09
Platform | Hours Played | Players | Sessions | Avg Session | |
PS-Timetracker only | all | 38949 | 1646 | 18405 | 2:07 |
PS4 | 29807 | 1154 | 13426 | 2:14 | |
PS5 | 9142 | 492 | 4979 | 1:51 | |
Historic PSN Statistic | all | 245720 | 8968 | 154071 | 1:36 |