Rec Room
Rank last 30 days
0Hours last 30 days
1027Time last 30 days
106Hours per User
39:11 hoursTotal Owners
157.43%Total Time
Genres: Adventure, Arcade
Played between 2017-12-16 and 2025-01-31
Played between 2017-12-16 and 2025-01-31
Platform | Hours Played | Players | Sessions | Avg Session | |
PS-Timetracker only | all | 109464 | 8366 | 87017 | 1:16 |
PS4 | 90628 | 6516 | 68800 | 1:20 | |
PS5 | 18836 | 1850 | 18217 | 1:03 | |
Historic PSN Statistic | all | 1032054 | 26339 | 1083120 | 0:58 |