World of Tanks
Rank last 30 days
0Hours last 30 days
258Time last 30 days
157Hours per User
27:26 hoursTotal Owners
137.43%Total Time
Genres: Action, Shooter
Played between 2015-12-02 and 2025-01-27
Played between 2015-12-02 and 2025-01-27
Platform | Hours Played | Players | Sessions | Avg Session | |
PS-Timetracker only | all | 59872 | 2843 | 41562 | 1:27 |
PS4 | 45280 | 2282 | 30526 | 1:30 | |
PS5 | 14592 | 561 | 11036 | 1:20 | |
Historic PSN Statistic | all | 630676 | 22994 | 555495 | 1:09 |